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Saturday, 29 December 2012

Life of Pi

Having heard a lot about how good the 3D effects were on Life of Pi, with a lot of people saying it was "the best use of 3D since Avatar" I decided to break my 3D ban, I was disappointed, as ever the use of 3D didn't really add anything to my enjoyment of the movie, and I was uncomfortable wearing the glasses.

The Film itself is getting a lot of rave reviews, has been nominated for Golden Globes, and is likely to be on the shortlist for Oscars, however I didn't find it to be as good as others have. Yes its a good movie, yes it's well directed and yes the cinematography of it is great, but as a narrative story I didn't find it that entertaining.

I guess if you go to see a movie, to appreciate the art of film making, then this is worthy of the awards, but as someone who goes to the cinema to be entertained, this will not be making my list of the best films of 2012.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a bad film, far from it, it just that given the hype, awards (probably) and media coverage, my expectations were heightened. I was, perhaps, expecting a bit too much 8/10


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