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Thursday, 28 February 2013

End of February Review

February has been an up and down month, from really good films like Hitchcock, to the downright awful I give it a year.

For me the best film this Month is a tough decision betwen Hitchcock, which I loved mainly for Helen Mirren's performance, and the wpnderful Wreck-It Ralph which is a fanastic annimation, but I think Hitchcock probably just takes it.

Also worthy of a mention is Flight, which is a superb film looking at issues of alcohol & drug addiction, but it does so very cleverly.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Cineworld put on a preview screening of Arbitrage, which is out this Friday, I must admit I had seen ver little about this film, and reall did not know what to expect.

Richard Gere plays a businessman who is trying to sell his company in order to survive finacially, he has committed fraud in order to keep the company afloat, and make his books look better for his potential buyer.

It is a little slow to get going, but once into the flow of the story line, this film is extremely enjoyable, i touches on a lot of issues around money and wealth in a similar way to Wall Street, the "Greed is good" Mantra from Gordon Gekho could be heard loud and clear in this movie.

The end of the film is a bit sudden, just when ou think there is going to be a scene to round off the movie and answer some of the remaining questions the credits roll, leaving you to decide for yourself what happens.

If you enjoyed Wall Street, you will enjoy this 8/10

1000 Pageviews

I have now had over 1000 pageviews of this blog,  thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my reviews.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Cinema Schedulers Decision Making

I understand that my local Cineworld only has 5 screens and therefore cannot possibly show every film that is released, however the decisions made recently by Cineworld over what to show have left me slightly baffled.

I am not an expert on audience demand, so maybe I don't know what I am talking about, but with the amount of media coverage that Song for Marion has got recently, I would have thought there would be a bigger demand to see that, than a horror movie (Mama)

Also decisions not to show new movies, and leave older movies playing instead, I appreciate that not everyone is like me and goes to see a film on its first week of release, and that there will still be a demand for blockbusters like Skyfall or Les Miserable several weeks after release, but surely you would sell more tickets for a film like the Impossible on its release week, than you would for Skyfall when it has already been in the cinema for over 2 months.

I am not an expert, so maybe I don't know what I am talking about, maybe I'm just having this rant because there there have been several movies that I have missed lately due to them not being available on my Unlimited card in my Local Cineworld.

I am assuming that on Friday with both Save haven and Broken City coming out, that one of them will lose out, so I am hoping to plan a trip to the bigger cinema in Chichester next week, to catch up with Song for Marion, Cloud Atlas and whichever of the afforementioned is not shown in Southampton. I will, as ever, keep you posted.

Edit: It seems I was wrong, Mama took more in the weekend box office than Song for Marion, so maybe Cineworld do know their job better than I do. it also seems that Cineworld Southampton have managed to find space for all 3 of Safe Haven, Broken City and Hansel & Gretel for next week, so looks like a bumper weekend of movie viewing.

The Oscars

Congratulations to everyone who won an oscar, on the whole I think the right decisions have been made, Very pleased that Argo won best film, and Jennifer Lawrence for Silver Linings playbook would have been my choice for best actress.

I am a litle disappointed that ParaNorman didn't win best Annimated film, in my opinion it is better than Brave, but on the whole I think they got it about right. Congratulations once again to everyone.

This is 40

In my review of I give it a year I had a bit of a rant about jokes being relevant to real life and not being so over the top that they don't work, well in that sense This is 40 is a breath of fresh air. The Jokes come thick and fast and most of them work, especially if you have kids, or have turned 40 (Which I haven't)

With a lot of the comedies so far in 2013 leaving me feeling quite flat, this is the most I have laughed in the Cinema since Ted in July last year.

Having said that, this film is not without its faults. I have often criticised films on this blog for their use of language were it is not necessary, and whilst I understand the need to use the language in a film of this context, I just felt there was a bit to much of it. the expletives come thick and fast in every scene, and when a movies does that it loses its impact to shock.

However my main problem with this film is the complete lack of any narrative ark, The jokes come thick and fast, but one does not relate to the previous one, and you could almost put the scenes together in any order. this is essentially just a series of very funny scenes one after the other with no sense of a story going anywhere until about the last half an hour. At one point I found myself wondering just how much longer the film would last.

On the whole though, if you just want to go to the cinema for something to make you laugh, then this is definitely for you, just don't expect the plot to make any sense 7/10

Friday, 15 February 2013

A Good Day to Die Hard

Who's Idea was it to aim A Die Hard Movie for a 12a audience? The Audience Demographic for this movie, is likely to be people who love the original. how many 12-18 year olds are likely to go and see this, compared to the 30ish market (like myself) there is nothing like annoying your target market.

I know I have ranted on here in the past about Bad Language, but its not the language that is the iissue, its whether the useof language is neccessary. A Die Hard without the swearing, is like a Horror movie being reduced to Scooby Doo.

Perhaps if this was a one off film, I wouldn't be so disappointed, but the Die Hard Movies have a rich heritage that has just been completely ruined by this poor excuse for a money making exercise.

The plot is weak, with cross and double cross and tripple cross, quite how you could plan that much is beyond me. also how on earth you can blow up a room full of enriched uranium without there being a nuclear explosion that kills everyone i'm not quite sure. 

If you have never seen Die Hard 1-4 then you might get some enjoyment from this, for anyone who loves the die hard films, this is best avoided. 1/10

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Beautiful Creatures

Beautiful Creatures is an interesting story of love and magic, it deals with issues of religion and spirituality. I was not sure what to make of it.

The two leads, Alden Ehrenreich as Ethan  and Alice Englert as Lena put in decent enough performances, and Jeremy Irons is always a safe pair of hands, but for me there was maybe something a little lacking in the chemistry of it.

That said, it is a solid story line, and there are some good one line jokes. I particularly liked the observation that the local cinema always gets the titles wrong, showing such films as "Interception" and "Finale Destination"

This is a decent watch, I don't feel like it wasted 2 hours of my time, it is very good, but does not quite reach the required depths to bring out the superlatives. In all honesty given the choice of films in the cinema at present, there are better alternatives than this. I guess  the best way to sum this up is enjoyable if you have seen eveerything else.   7/10

Monday, 11 February 2013

DVD Review: Untouchable

Untouchable is another film that was high on my must see list that I didnt get to see in the cinema, so over the weekend I sat down to watch it on DVD, and I can see why it got a lot of positive coverage.

This is a very heartwarming true story, and is excellently portrayed. despite it not bei in English, you can feel the emotion of the chracters, and how the friendship between Phillipe and Driss really grows throughout the film.

this is a very good watch, and if you didn't catch it on the big screen, then I recommend he DVD 9/10

I Give it a Year

Having seen the trailer for I give it a year, it struck me that it is the sort of film where the funniest jokes are in the trailer, and the trailer is not particularly funny. I guess having gone into see this film with that attitude, that is exactly what I got out of it.

For me in order for a comedy film to be funny, then there has to be an element of realism about it. For instance, the Stephen Merchant Character in this film is so over the top in his inappropriateness, that actually I don't know anyone like that, and it ceases to be funny, and starts to be cringeworthy.

In the same way, the whole marriage counsellor bit, there is no way that would ever appen in real life, it is so far removed from any sense of reality that it just is not funny.

Having said that, there are some genuine laughs in this movie, especially the digital photo frame scene, precisely because I'm sure there are people out there who that has happened to, it is the sort of oke that you can relate to and therefore is absolutely hilarious.

All in all though, I didn't really enjoy this film, so many of the jokes are unrealistic and so far over the top that my reaction was one of cringing rahter than laughing. I'm sure there are people out there who will find this very funny. If you enjoyed the five year engagement last year, then this is for you, its just not for me 4/10

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


Thanks once again to cineworld for the advanced review of Hitchcock, allowing me to see it and write this blog ahead of its release on Friday.

This biopic of Alfred Hitchcock is brilliant, Anthony Hopkins puts in  a superb performance, however the real star performance comes from the wonderful Helen Mirren as Hichcock's wife Alma. Her performance is superb, *spoiler alert*especially in the scene where he accuses her of having an affair, where she absolutely steals the show with her repost.

I don't want to spoil the end, but the sequence of Hitchcock almost conducting the audience is simply sublime.

There are very few faults with this movie, I have one little nuanced criticism, although the final monologue scene/joke works, and I suppose having opened with monologue narration, it should also end that way, but I think it may have been better to have ended at the end of the final scene of the actual movie, with the last line then being "and that my dear is why they call me the master of suspense".... *roll credits*. Maybe thats just me, see it for yourself and make your own judgement.

Even though we are only into February, I have enjoyed so many films already this year and this is the best so far 10/10

Monday, 4 February 2013


Less a film about the flight, this is a film about one mans battle with alcoholism. The actual flight is over in half an hour, and the rest of the film deals with the fallout.

Denzel Washington's portrayal of a drunk is a magnificent bit of acting, after seeing Lincoln I thought Day Lewis should win Best Actor, but Washington has pulling something special out here, and in my opinion should win best actor for this performance.

Claudia Winkleman on Film 2013 said that she had guessed where the film was going to end up by about half way through, I didn't find that, maybe she is just more intelligent than me, but it did have me guessing what the outcome was going to be (I won't ruin it for you)

This is a really good story with a well constructed plot, deep characters who you feel you can empathise with, and lots of lessons for life along the way.

The Crash scene in particular is brilliantly shot, and the wwhole film has a great feel to it.

My only minor gripe is about nudity, particular in the first 60 seconds of opening scene of the film, while whip is on the phone, we have a wide shot with the stewardess getting dressed, which a) takes away your attention from the phone call (if you are a red blooded man like me) and b) was not neccessary, or at least not full frontal. as I have often said in this blog, I don't mind Nudity, Violence, and swearing in a context, if they are neccessary to tell the story then by all means put them there, but where they are not required I would prefer not to see it.

Aside from that small gripe this a magnificent film, and I am surprised that it has been overlooked for the best picture oscar 9.5/10