Less a film about the flight, this is a film about one mans battle with alcoholism. The actual flight is over in half an hour, and the rest of the film deals with the fallout.
Denzel Washington's portrayal of a drunk is a magnificent bit of acting, after seeing Lincoln I thought Day Lewis should win Best Actor, but Washington has pulling something special out here, and in my opinion should win best actor for this performance.
Claudia Winkleman on Film 2013 said that she had guessed where the film was going to end up by about half way through, I didn't find that, maybe she is just more intelligent than me, but it did have me guessing what the outcome was going to be (I won't ruin it for you)
This is a really good story with a well constructed plot, deep characters who you feel you can empathise with, and lots of lessons for life along the way.
The Crash scene in particular is brilliantly shot, and the wwhole film has a great feel to it.
My only minor gripe is about nudity, particular in the first 60 seconds of opening scene of the film, while whip is on the phone, we have a wide shot with the stewardess getting dressed, which a) takes away your attention from the phone call (if you are a red blooded man like me) and b) was not neccessary, or at least not full frontal. as I have often said in this blog, I don't mind Nudity, Violence, and swearing in a context, if they are neccessary to tell the story then by all means put them there, but where they are not required I would prefer not to see it.
Aside from that small gripe this a magnificent film, and I am surprised that it has been overlooked for the best picture oscar 9.5/10
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