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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

I'm so excited

Some of the best films of the past 12 months have been foreign with subtitles, Armour, Untouchable and Rust and Bone are all superb films, however these films all have something on common, they are French, and with stories based largely around relationships and acting performances that transcend language.

I'm so excited is a Spanish comedy, and not a very good one at that. I'm sure if you are a Spanish speaker it may be funny in places, but in translation and having to read subtitles the jokes lose their timing and humour.

This is a highly sexualised film, with a lot of homosexual inuendo, and plays on gay stereotyping of male cabin crew.

It is clearly a very low budget movie, so much so that they either couldn't afford or couldn't be bothered with the special effects required to bring us a proper crash landing sequence at the end of the movie.

this is very poor, with much of it lost in translation. With big blockbusters like Iron Man and Star Trek out, this is unlikely to make much of an impact at the box office and will quickly disappear 3/10

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