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Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The Great Gatsby

I guess I should start this review by saying that I have never read the book, so went into this movie not really knowing the story.

That said I understand from others that this movie sticks very closely to the novel, and it's easy to see why, with source material this good why would you want to alter it?

Di Caprio and Maguire are superb as Gatsby and Carraway and compliment each other superbly.

My only issue with this movie is the use of modern music in some scenes where 1920's music might have been a better option.

There is so much to take in from this movie, it is a very long film, with its 2 and a half hour run time seeming longer, not on a sense of the film dragging, but I left feeling like I had been in the cinema all day.

I think I might go and read the book 9/10

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