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Saturday, 13 July 2013

Pacific Rim

I wasn't really expecting much from Pacific Rim, Its a bit of a check your brain at the door movie, which if you over analyse it doesn't make sense.

For me the film starts way to late in the story, by monologing the start of the war and beginning the film 5 years in, perhaps the writers have missed something. I Think the first attack and the invention of the robot machines to fight back may well have been a better movie.

The film is incredibly inconsistent, one moment we are told that the alien creatures are all grown to be Identical, the next we are told they are all different and one of them is pregnant.

The Characters are very shallow with little back history, and the acting is quite wooden, although Idris Elba does try hard, his Independence day speech moment just didn't work for me.

Like all these sort of movies, the fight sequences are incredibly loud and difficult to follow, I had a headache with the 2D version, so I'm sure the 3D version would have just left my head spinning.

If you want a no brain, big action monsters v aliens fighting movie then great, just don't expect a great price of cinematography or acting, Like everything this time of year it's the box office rather than the awards ceremonies.

Entertaining in parts, this is not the worst piece of entertainment this year, the concept is a good one, its just badly executed 5/10

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