Turbo is an animated film about a garden snail who dreams of becoming a racer, through a freak accident he is exposed to nitrous oxide and is suddenly blessed with super fast speed, using this new gift he enters the Indy 500.
In a year of some great, and some not so great, animation, this fits somewhere in between the two. In the end I left the cinema with a huge smile, but getting to that point felt fairly torturous.
The concept is a great one, and the eventual outcome is brilliantly arrived at, had this been a 15 minute short, then I would perhaps be hailing it as a master piece, but there is not enough in the concept to keep you interested for a whole movie. There is very little in the way of sub plot, so you ultimately know where the film is going almost right from the start.
The characters are great and the ultimate end of the film is superb, but there is not enough of a storyline to make a feature film 6/10
In a year of some great, and some not so great, animation, this fits somewhere in between the two. In the end I left the cinema with a huge smile, but getting to that point felt fairly torturous.
The concept is a great one, and the eventual outcome is brilliantly arrived at, had this been a 15 minute short, then I would perhaps be hailing it as a master piece, but there is not enough in the concept to keep you interested for a whole movie. There is very little in the way of sub plot, so you ultimately know where the film is going almost right from the start.
The characters are great and the ultimate end of the film is superb, but there is not enough of a storyline to make a feature film 6/10
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