Set in the near future, Her stars Joachim Phoenix as Theodore, a man who is in the middle of getting divorced. He purchases a new intelligent operating system, and finds himself falling in love with "Her"
For me this is a great concept, with Siri becoming more intelligent, it is not beyond the possibility for future operating systems to think for themselves. However although I like the concept, I didn't find myself enjoying the execution. For me the film loses it's way in the balance between love and sex, I can understand someone falling in love with an intelligent OS, but when the OS is having/faking an orgasm then it loses credibility. There is also an early scene involving a dead cat and some unnecessary full frontal nudity, which just annoyed me.
It also loses the plot a bit in the ending, I don't want to post spoilers, but if all the Siri's in the world decided to do what Samantha and the other OS' decide to do, Apple would be out of business very quickly.
This is perhaps the most disappointing film of 2014 so far, based on the trailer I was looking forward to this, as the concept looked really interesting. Unfortunately the reality didn't deliver for me 3/10
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