The Sequel to 300, this follows Themistokles an Athenian warrior as he defends Greece against Persian agression from King Xerxes and his Mistress Artemisia.
This is a film with a number of issues, firstly the huge amount of storytelling narration, particularly early on I was beginning to wonder if I was watching a film, or listening to an audio book, for me the art of a good film is that the camera and the screenplay does a lot of the work and although I don't mind a litle bit of scene setting through exposition and narration, this film has far to much of it.
My Other main concern with this film is how bloodthirsty it is. Given the previous film, I understood it would be quite bloody going in, but for me it is far to bloodthirsty to the point of being gratuitous.
That said, the performances are good, especially from Eva Green as Artemisia, who really steals the show from under Sullivan Stapleton's Themistokles, and the storyline is good, it keeps the interest well and moves along at quite a pace, so never giving you a moment to become bored by it.
Once ou get past the narration and into the movie itself, this is a half decent film, just a little to much blood for my liking 6/10
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