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Saturday, 30 March 2013

The Host

Stephanie Mayer certainly knows how to write a good book, after vampires and werewolves we now get an alien invasion, and a schizophrenic Alien with a human voice in her head, The Storyline and the concept are superb, and visually this film is stunning, but unfortunately I can't help feeling that maybe this movie does not do the book justice (although I have not read the book)

It just felt like there was something lacking from the acting performances, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe the characters lack a bit of depth, so you don't feel emotionally involved with them, and the "If we are the last man and woman alive" scene, early on in the film, is loaded with so much cheese it is almost cringe worthy. 

I'm sure the Twilight Audience will enjoy this, certainly take your teenagers, but if you are expecting a fully rounded movie you will come away a little disappointed 7/10

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