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Monday, 18 March 2013

Welcome to the Punch

James Mcavoy has clearly been busy, starring not only in Welcome to the Punch, but also in Danny Boyle's Trance which I am looking forward to catching next week.

The Basic premise of this movies is that police officer Max Lewinsky (McAvoy) is trying to catch Jacob Sternwood (Mark Strong) when Sternwood's son is injured, he comes back into the country giving Lewinsky an opportunity to take him down, however there is something much larger going on, and soon the pair are working together.

This is one of those films where characters that initially appear trustworthy are actually involved in the conspiracy, and as the film unravels more and more people are implicated, and the plot twists and turns more than a roller coaster.

This was an enjoyable movie, regular readers of my blog will know that I don't like bloody thirsty violent films where the use of blood is over the top, and this film avoid that nicely, yes there are some scences where people are killed, and blood is shed, but it is in context and to take it away would diminish this film, the balance is about right.

The Complex relationship between Lewinsky and Sternwood is fascinating and the way in which that is played out by McAvoy and Strong is superb.

Having said all that, there is something slightly lacking to take this from an enjoyable film to a great movie, much of it is largely forgettable, and i'm sure in a year or so this won't be something that springs immediately to mind, when someone mentions James McAvoy. I can't quite put my finger on what it is that is missing, but it just felt a bit like the film was plodding a bit.

On the whole though a good watch, worth seeing, but from reviews and trailers I think McAvoys next film out next week will be better 7/10

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